Sunday, January 23, 2011

6 months old

Can't believe how fast six months has gone by... My baby boy is getting sooo big.. Our family is complete with this baby boy.... How how your brother and sisters adore you!

 You are doing so much now
You started eating foods last month, you now have cereal with bananas for breakfast {you will only eat it with bananas} then you have a veggie for dinner. You are going to start yogurt this month.
Your favorite foods are bananas and sweet potatoes
You like your food cold, I find this very odd =) I have tried to warm it but you won't take it.
You are grabbing everything in your sight
You love things that make a crinkle sound
You love attention! As long as someone is talking to you your happy!
You are a for sure mamma's boy, if I am around you want no one else!
You are very gentle, you rub my face and arms all the time

 You love to play in the saucer and watch Mickey Mouse
You love to take naps on me
You are doing better in the car, not crying anymore this makes mommy happy!!
 You were sick for the first time this month, you had croup and it was scary and sad, you are doing better now.
You are teething like crazy so we are trying to comfort you with lots of love and teething tablets!
You are almost sitting up by yourself, you will sit if your supported.
You love the going to the church nursery
You love to play with your toes
You just started reaching for me =)

I love you baby boy, I am so thankful for you, Happy 6 months!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Tooth Fairy is Broke!

 As you can clearly see Audrey it toothless... She now has 4 top teeth gone and has lost 3 on bottom of which two have grown in. She lost on Friday at school, and then last night at her cousins they both lost a tooth!! She looks so cute.... She does have a extra tooth growing in on top, the dentist said we will just have it pulled which will allow her normal teeth to grow in.. The tooth fairy is going broke at our house...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day made into a Spa Day..

The girls were out of school yesterday for snow.. So we had friends over.. They all played in the snow until the cold was too much to handle.. Then they soaked their feet in the warm tub and we painted nails... Fun way to spend the day!

Sleepy Boy

This is from awhile ago but I wanted to have it on my blog!

Singing ABC's

Most mornings I will let Mason and Logan play on the floor for a tiny bit so I can pick up the morning mess.. Logan has started singing all the time now. Most of the time I can't understand him but today I could.. You have to listen close because I had the TV on.


Ah the joys of the toddler years! Logan is forever spilling his snack... Well yesterday he decided that while he jumped in the baby bed (yes I know) that he would hold his bowl of raisin bran crunch... This is the evidence....

The things we do... as a mommy

I don't think about this often but I figure one day when Im all grown up I may forget?? The things I can do as a mom. I don't think multi-tasking is even the right word, its beyond that! It came to me this morning as I was getting the girls ready for school, yes for the most part they are capable of doing it but they do need a little pushing sometimes. This was one of those mornings. Im nursing a baby, directing the girls, and Logan wakes up. His diaper is soaked so while I nursed my baby I changed a diaper on the other! Ha, who would have ever thought?? No one can ever prepare you for motherhood, and with each new child it even changes! Ever held a baby while you peed?? Ha.. All these things may seem crazy to me at times, but Im so thankful I have all this craziness and love from my babies!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Loggy Bear

Logan is getting so big so fast. It seems like yesterday he was just a tiny baby. I want to remember these cute things I know I say I will but Im sure if I don't record them I won't. So he has the sweetest little personality...I never thought I wanted boys but now that I have them I couldn't be any happier. There is some special bond between a mother and her son, one much different than a mother.daughter relationship.

He has started to talk so much more lately. The newest sayings are:
I hold you/it
More Mommy Please
Isabelle ( my sisters dog)
I want a ( fill in the blank)
No Night Night ( this is what he says at nap time, at bedtime he goes right down)
My mans ( all his little people toys)
I go pee pee

When you are sleepy you drink your cup and rub my arm or leg.
You are OCD about everything, when you wake up in the am you always shut your door.
 You know where your shoes belong and always put them in there place.
You don't like your pants to be above your diaper.
You always stack or line up items.
 You LOVE playing with domino's, you line them up and stack them.
You always have a ponytail holder on your wrist.
You love showers anytime all the time!
You are being a little turkey lately climbing on everything and anything.
You love to watch me cook and help, you always say " Mommy I sit there" meaning the counter and then you say "Mommy I stir" I love it!

This past week you have really showed interest in the potty. Today alone I caught you 6 times with your diaper off and sitting on your potty in your bathroom. You never did go but its the effort that counts!

You love your sisters with everything and they love you back. If you get in trouble you will run to them and they will pick you up and console you!

You and Audrey rough-house all the time.

You are such a big boy sleeping in your bed.
You always want to help daddy, anytime he is outside you are right there by him.

Hard to believe you are 2 now, can't wait for this year to see what it holds!

New foods, Brotherly Love and and a good nights sleep!

Well it has been a full week. We started Mason on foods last week and he has done wonderful.. So far he has tried avocado, sweet potatoes & carrots.. He loves them all. He really does great with the spoon. He doesn't spit it out at all =)

Mason has become a completely different baby the past couple weeks, he is soooooo HAPPY! I have to admit he has been my challenging baby, always wanting to be held and tons of crying. But something has happened in the last couple weeks and I love it. He has been soooo happy and content. I am praying this is a new trend! He loves playing in his saucer and laying on the floor with his toys playing. Anytime I have him on the floor or in his bed playing Logan will come lay next to him and talk to him and make him laugh I love it..

Last night was great. Mason only woke up once!!! Which is a huge deal because ever since he has been sick he was waking up almost every 2 hours.. Yay for Mason and Yay for mommy who finally got some sleep!!

I have been going this week, I managed to make it the the gym 3 days, visit my Grandma, grocery shop, sub for KDO one day and spend some time with friends.. I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend!

Funny Story:: Thursday I was subbing at KDO I left Mason in my room to walk across the hall to drop Logan off in his class. I was seriously gone for maybe one minute. I came back to find that Mason had wiggled his way out of his car seat onto the floor! He just laid there smiling away. So the moral of this story is don't leave my son unbuckled alone in his seat! Geez =)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Have you ever seen this spoon?? Well I picked it up for Mason's stocking since I knew he would soon be eating. Well the verdict is I absolutely LOVE it!!
Mason loves it to, its super easy to use and clean. I got his at Target for about $8 and its totally worth it =) Today I put two of the frozen baby food cubes in it and by the time he was ready to eat they were thawed and ready to go. I even feed him his cereal and fruit in it!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to a routine =)

Today was the girls first day back to school since Christmas break. It was nice but I think we were all ready to get back to the norm. Also they hadn't been at dance for two weeks and they had a blast tonight. They were both super excited because the got  to see their recital costumes! Audrey was very concerned about how I am going to fix her hair! Silly girl =)  Logan is finally feeling better and Mason is starting to be more content.

All of our company is gone and we had a fine day. We did some grocery shopping and since buying the moby wrap it works like a charm!

While we were making baby food we snapped some pictures of the boys I love this one!

Tonight was kinda busy Monday's usually are with dance, but we were able to squeeze in some time to make homemade Hot Chocolate and it was YUMMY!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Daddy's Helper

Logan has been such a big helper lately. His most favorite thing is to be with his daddy! Ben is always tinkering around outside and now he has a little shadow! Logan loves to dress just like daddy and be right by his side. Of course Ben loves it too! He can't wait until Mason can join too!! It doesn't matter what the weather is he is out there.

First Foods

Mason had his first food today and he LOVED it! Mandy and I got together today and made some baby food.. It was so much fun and I can't wait for Mason to experience it all. We started small since it was the first time. We made carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, avocado and apple & pear mix!!

Out with the old... In with the new

Wow what a year this has been lets see... Audrey started Kindergarten, we built our new house, we had  a baby, I quit my job, and we moved.. All the while Ben was working out of town.. I never thought my life could be so crazy! But through it all we have been blessed more abundantly than ever, God has provided and seen us through all the ups and downs. I'm excited to see what the new year holds =)

My goal for 2011 is to blog at least 3-4 times a week. I really need to be better at capturing my kids memories and our dailiness so that when I'm 50 I can look back and see what life was like!

Life as a SAHM of four kids has defiantly rocked my world, though I wouldn't change a thing. I am learning more and more each day. It is such a HARD job and I'm so thankful I have the Lord to see me through.. ( AND AMAZING FAMILY AND FRIENDS!)

Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” (NIV)