Thursday, August 18, 2011

just photos


School has started and a new routine begins!

Wow... I'm not sure where the time goes, I feel like the older I get the faster the time goes! We had a really great summer, a few small trips and lots of fun with friends! I fully enjoyed being home with my kids this summer, I am beyond blessed! Last summer was the first time to be home and I was pregnant(about to pop) we were building a house, Ben worked out of town so to say it nicely It wasn't that enjoyable!!

Like I said this summer was great! We didn't do our normal Big Cedar vacation because we have a surprise in store for the kids.... We have a beach trip to Daytona planned this October. The kids know about that what they don't know is that we will be stopping at DISNEY WORLD for 2 days before we head to Daytona! I am so excited, we are going to tell them soon.. I am still thinking of a good way to surprise them!

I'm really excited for this school year, I still can't believe I have a 4th grader and 1st grader! Both girls are so happy about school and love their teachers, Rosalyn has 2 teachers Mrs. Carlson and Mrs. Caudille. Audrey has Mrs. Jordan!

And in a few weeks the boys will start KDO with me! I will be working 2 days a week which is is perfect for me! I get to work with some pretty awesome ladies, love on some sweet kids and the boys are learning and playing with friends!