Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mason is 7 months!

Happy 7 months.. Wow and what a month it has been.  You started off on the rough road. You came down with the stomach bug about 4 weeks ago, which ended with a not so pleasant stay in the hospital. You were kept for observation and fluids.  I will post on that later. Then a week after that you had an ear infection.. Glad to report you are all better!

You are so big now, you have learned how to sit up all by yourself. You are loving this new freedom and so is mommy. I believe by the end of this month you might just be crawling. I know most would say oh no I don't like that stage but honestly I will love it and I think you will too. You are so strong willed and determined. I say you in the crib the other day to change Logan, when I came back you were on your knees chewing the side of the crib!!! Guess it's time to lower it =)

I love this picture, you make this face a ton and it makes me laugh every time..
Things you are doing:
sitting up
rolling all over the floor
eating your piggies!
playing with toys
picking up your little puffs off of you highchair and putting in your mouth
laughing at your brother and sisters
blowing raspberries
eating table foods { you are refusing baby food now}

You are playing more by yourself, you tend to be more content that you can sit up. You laugh all the time, and love to watch Mickey or your brother play.

You are still nursing great and are on a pretty good schedule.
You are eating lots of finger foods like yogurt melts, puffs, Cheerios, cheese..
You have been going to KDO at church since I have been working and you love it. It has been good for the both of us.
We recently had some really nice weather, you really enjoy being outside =)

Your sleeping is getting much much better. You tend to take two naps now and the afternoon one usually last 2 hours, this makes me sooooo happy!!

Your getting so big so fast.. I love you baby!

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